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CPM 12 - 2017

Each year, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures holds a "Special Topics" or "Scientific Session" to consider emerging issues, such as new technologies or new pest threats. Past scientific sessions have addressed issues such as the potential impact of climate change on pest spread, food aid as a pathway for the transboundary movement of pests, aquatic plants as pests, and flaws in the current system for preventing pest spread.

All presentations and papers can be found here: 2017 E-Commerce (Internet trade) of plants

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
CPM 2017/13 19.2; 19.3 SC members and potential replacement members - SBDS members and potential replacement members En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/14 19.1 CPM Bureau members and potential replacement members En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/15/Rev_01 08.7 Ink amendments for CPM Recommendations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 مارس 2017
CPM 2017 00/ Letter 0.0 Director General's invitation to the IPPC Contracting Parties En Es Fr Ru Ar 31 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/16 17 Successes and challenges of implementation of the convention En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/17 09.3 Topics for IPPC Standards - New topics and adjustments to the List of topics for IPPC standards En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/18 16 Conceptual challenges in standards development in terms of implementation - Discussion paper on the use of a certificate of compliance En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017 00/ Letter 0.0 Director General's invitation to the observers En Fr Ru 01 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/19 09.2 Adoption of ISPMs - Reorganization, harmonization and minor technical updates of the fruit fly ISPMs En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 21 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/20 09.2 Adoption of ISPMs - Ink amendments to adopted ISPMs En 28 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/21 09.4 Noting translation adjustment to ISPMs adopted at CPM-11 (2016) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 20 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/23 09.5 Adjustments to the Language Review Group Process En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 20 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/INF/03 20 Any Other Business - Due dates for the CPM-12 - English only En 01 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/22/Rev_01 09.1 Report of the activities of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/24 08.2 Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 24 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/25 15.3 Resource mobilization of the IPPC Secretariat for 2016 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/28 10.5 Status of ISPM 15 Symbol Registration En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 21 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/29 11.2 Work plan on Communication and Advocacy of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017 - Summary of communication and advocacy activities planned by the IPPC En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/30 14 International Cooperation - IPPC Secretariat cooperation with relevant organizations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 18 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/04 20 Any other business - Exhibition Prospectus - English only En 13 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/31 13 International Year of Plant Health in 2020 (IYPH 2020) - Report on the activities relating to the International Year of Plant Health in 2020 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/32 (/Rev_01 (English only) 10.6 Report on ePhyto - ePhyto Update En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/33 07 Report from the IPPC Secretariat - Report for 2016 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/34/Rev_01 08.6 Sea containers - Complementary Action Plan En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/35 08.4 Emerging Issues En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/INF/05 08.6 Sea containers - Complementary Action Plan - Joint Industry Container - English only En 24 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/26 08.3 Sustainable funding - Sustainable funding mechanisms for the IPPC Secretariat Work Programme En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/36 08.9 Framework for standards and implementation - Endorsement of the Framework for Standards and Implementation En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/37 08.5 Strategic Partnerships En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/38 15.2 Work plan and budget of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 18 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/06 10.4 Report on National Reporting Obligations (NRO) - National Reporting – Statistical Data - English only En 09 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/07_Rev_01 14.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization / International Atomic Energy Agency Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture - English only En 02 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/39 08.1 Summary of the Strategic Planning Group report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 24 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/40 06 Report from the CPM Chairperson En 24 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/08 14.2 Written reports from relevant international organizations - Report by the International Seed Federation - English only En 15 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/09 10.4 Report on National Reporting Obligations (NRO) - Overview of NRO Programme En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 27 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/10 08.10; 09.2; 09.3; 16 Statements from COSAVE and its member countries regarding various CPM agenda items - English only En 17 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/11 09.2 Adoption of ISPMs - EU written statement on reorganization, harmonization and minor technical updates of the fruit fly ISPMs En 20 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/12 8.3; 8.5; 8.7; 8.10; 9.5 EU written statements on various agenda items En 20 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/13 08.2 IPPC Draft Strategic Framework 2020-2030 - Aligning IPPC’s Future Work to its Core Competency En 18 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/01 03 Local information paper - English only - updated on 2017-02-20 En 20 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/INF/14 14.2 Written reports from relevant international organizations - Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Overview En 18 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/15 14.2 Written reports from relevant international organizations - WTO Report 2016 En 18 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/27 15.1 Financial report of the IPPC Secretariat for 2016 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 31 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/17 03.1 EU statement of competence En 20 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/16 17 Successes and Challenges of Implementation of the Convention En Zh 22 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/18 20 Any Other Business - CPM-12 side sessions En 24 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/19 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures -Objections to draft ISPMs presented for adoption by CPM-12 (2017) En 24 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/INF/20 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures - China's comments to draft ISPMs presented for adoption by CPM-12 (2017) En 24 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/03_01 09.2 Draft ISPM: International movement of seeds (2009-003) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_02 09.2 Draft ISPM: International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment (2006-004) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/INF/21 03 List of Documents - English only En 28 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/03_03 09.2 Draft Annex Arrangements for the verification of compliance of consignments by the importing country in the exporting country (2005-003) to ISPM 20 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_04 09.2 Draft ISPM: International movement of wood (2006-029) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_05 09.2 Draft ISPM: International movement of growing media in association with plants for planting (2005-004) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_06 09.2 Draft PT: Heat treatment of wood using dielectric heating (2007-114) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/19_Add_01 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures - Reorganization, Harmonization and Minor Technical Updates of the Fruit Fly ISPMs En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_07 09.2 Draft PT: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for insects in debarked wood (2007-101A) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_08 09.2 Draft PT: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for nematodes and insects in debarked wood (2007-101B) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_09 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus sinensis (2007-206A) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/03_10 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus reticulata × C. sinensis (2007-206B) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/01 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures - Global risk of the spread of pests in association with new vehicles and used boats En 05 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_11 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus limon (2007-206C) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/02 08.6 Sea containers - Complementary Action Plan - Positive Action to Address Potential Risks of the Spread of Pests Associated with Shipping Containers En Zh 05 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_12 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus paradisi (2007-210) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/03 14.2 Written reports from relevant international organizations - Report from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_13 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus reticulata (2007-212) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/04 14.2 Written reports from relevant international organizations - International Forestry Quarantine Research Group Report En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_14 09.2 Draft PT: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus clementina (2010-102) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/05 14.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from the Phytosanitary Measures Research Group (PMRG) activities for 2016 En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_15 09.2 Draft PT: Vapour heat treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Mangifera indica (2010-106) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/06 09.3 Topics for IPPC Standards - New topics and adjustments to the List of topics for IPPC standards - Key IPPC terms in need of TPG review and attention En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/03_16 09.2 Draft PT: Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Mangifera indica (2010-107) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 يناير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/07 18 Special Topics Session: e-Commerce - Internet Trade (e-commerce) of plants En 04 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/04 10.4 Report on National Reporting Obligations (NRO) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/02/Rev_01 03 Detailed agenda En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/03 09.2 Adoption of ISPMs En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 09 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/05 10.2 Implementation pilot surveillance En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 10 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/06 10.1 Report on activities for IFU En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 10 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/07 10.3 Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/08 08.10 Proposal for a new implementation oversight body - Outcomes of the focus group and SPG and Bureau consideration En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 20 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/09 12.1 Report on the IPPC Regional Workshops for 2016 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/10 18 Special topics session: e-Commerce En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/09 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures En 07 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/11/Rev_01 08.8 Adjustments to the TC-RPPO rules of procedure - Roles and functions of Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOS) in their relationship with The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 مارس 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/08 08.10 Proposal for a new implementation oversight body - Outcomes of the Focus Group and SPG and Bureau consideration En 09 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/CRP/10 19.1; 19.2; 19.2 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements members for CPM Subsidiary Bodies - CPM Bureau members and potential replacement members - SC members and potential replacement members - SBDS members and potential replacement members En 10 إبريل 2017
CPM 2017/12 11.1 Main activities on communication and advocacy of the IPPC secretariat for 2016 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 فبراير 2017
CPM 2017/INF/02 12.1 Report of the 28th Technical Consultation (TC) among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) - English only En 23 يناير 2017
CPM 2017 00/ Letter 0.0 Example of credentials letter En Es Fr Ar 31 يناير 2017
CPM 2017 00/ Letter 0.0 Support Letter to Contracting Parties En Es Fr 03 فبراير 2017

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