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CPM 05 - 2010

Each year, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures holds a "Special Topics" or "Scientific Session" to consider emerging issues, such as new technologies or new pest threats. Past scientific sessions have addressed issues such as the potential impact of climate change on pest spread, food aid as a pathway for the transboundary movement of pests, aquatic plants as pests, and flaws in the current system for preventing pest spread.

All presentations and papers can be found here: 2010 - Phytophthora pathogens

Some of the materials presented in the CPM poster session and side events are made available here: CPM 5 PPTs: Plenary Sessions, Side events and Side Sessions

Views expressed in these materials are those of the organizers and do not necessarily reflect those of the FAO, IPPC Secretariat or the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures. Any information presented in these sessions should be considered unofficial.

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
Letter - Invitation to the Fifth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures for the Non-Contracting Parties. En Fr 11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/06 09.09 Description of Member Consultation Periods En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/05 09.10 Presentation of Diagnostic Protocols in English En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/07 04.01 Election of a Credentials Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
15 يناير 2010
CPM2010/09 09.06 Corrections of inconsistencies and errors in translations En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/02/Annex1 09.02 Annex 1 of CPM2010/2 - Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade En 13 يناير 2010
CPM2010/02/Annex2 09.02 Annex 2 of CPM2010/2 - Appendix to ISPM 26: fruit fly trapping (warning:file>1MB) En 13 يناير 2010
CPM2010/13 13.03 Acceptance of correspondence in electronic format En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
26 يناير 2010
CPM2010/01/Rev01. 02 Provisional agenda REV.01 En Es Fr Ar Zh
Fr Ar Zh Es
02 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/18 09.07 Adjusting translations, formatting and editing of adopted ISPMs En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
04 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/INF/08 08.01 Activities of the SPS Committee and other relevant WTO En 03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/17 09.02.03 Compiled Member Comments on Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants (CPM2010/02-Annex 3) En 12 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/21 04.02 Future of credentials En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
18 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/02 09.02 Provisional Agenda - Proposed schedule for agenda items of CPM-5 (Prepared by Bureau and Secretariat - (English only)) En 22 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/10 16, 16.01, 16.02 Membership and potential replacements for CPM subsidiary bodies En 25 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/11 17 Election of the Bureau 2010-2012 En 25 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/13 12.02 Goal 4: Improved phytosanitary capacity of members Outcome of the open-ended working group on the development of the operational plans and framework for the IPPC national capacity building strategy En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
25 مارس 2010
Letter - Invitation to the Fifth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures for the Contracting Parties. En Es Fr Ar
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/01 02 Provisional Agenda En Es Fr Ar
En Ar Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/03 13.06 CPM Recommendations En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Fr Zh Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/01 12.06 A Guide to Phytosanitary Forestry Practices and International Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh
En Zh Fr Es Ar
15 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/02 09.08 Update on Registration of ISPM 15 Symbol En Es Fr Ar Zh
En Ar Zh Es Fr
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/10 09.03 Adoption of International Standards: Special Process (diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi) En Es Fr Ar Zh
En Zh Fr Ar Es En
15 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/04 05 Chairperson'™s Report to CPM-5 En Es Fr Ar Zh
En Ar Zh Fr Es
18 يناير 2010
Letter - Model of CREDENTIALS En Es Fr 11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/05 13.02 State of membership to the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Fr Zh Es
18 يناير 2010
Letter - Financial Assistance for Developing Country Attendance at the Fifth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr 11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/12 07 Summary Report of the Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Ar Fr Es
26 يناير 2010
CPM2010/02 09.02 Adoption of International Standards: Regular Process (warning:file>1MB) En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Fr Ar Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/07 09.01 Report by the Standards Committee Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
29 يناير 2010
CPM2010/04 17 Election of the Bureau 2010-2012 En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/16 15.02 Update on Reporting on Pest Free Areas (PFAs) and Areas of Low Pest Prevalence (ALPPs) En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Fr Es Zh
04 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/08 09.05 Recommendations regarding consistency in ISPMs En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/17 12.04 Implementation Review and Support System En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
04 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/INF/03 13.01 Report of the eleventh meeting of the CPM informal working group on strategic planning and technical assistance (SPTA) En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Es Fr
11 يناير 2010
CPM2010/19 12.01 Revised Phytosanitary Capacity Building Strategy En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Fr Es Ar
08 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/02/Annex3 09.02 Annex 3 of CPM2010/2 - Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants En 13 يناير 2010
CPM2010/20 12.05 Update on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
10 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/02/Annex4 09.02 Annex 4 of CPM2010/2 - Amendment to ISPM 5, deletion of En 13 يناير 2010
CPM2010/21 12.02 25-Feb, reloaded with edits : Outcome of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Development of the Operational Plans and Framework for the IPPC National Capacity Building Strategy En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Ar Es Fr
25 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/02/Annex5-9 09.02 Annexes 5-9 of CPM2010/2 - irradiation treatments En 13 يناير 2010
CPM2010/22 14.01 Report on the Promotion of the IPPC and Cooperation with Relevant Regional and International Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
16 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/11 09.04 IPPC Standard setting work programme (with proposed adjustments) En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Fr Fr Fr Es
22 يناير 2010
CPM2010/23 06 Report by the Secretariat En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Es Zh Fr
01 مارس 2010
CPM2010/15 16 Membership and potential replacements for the Standards Committee and Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Ar Es Fr
29 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/09 08.02 Report of the Convention on Biological Diversity En 03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/14 15.03 Terms of Reference for the Open-ended Workshop on the International Movement of Grain En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Es Fr
29 يناير 2010
CPM2010/INF/12 08.06 Report by the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group En 03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/06 15.03 Update on an Open-ended Workshop on the International Movement En Fr 29 يناير 2010
CPM2010/26 13.05 Development of a Resource Mobilization Strategy for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh
Es Ar Fr Zh
08 مارس 2010
CPM2010/21 12.02 25-Feb, reloaded with edits : Outcome of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Development of the Operational Plans and Framework for the IPPC National Capacity Building Strategy En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Ar Es Fr
25 فبراير 2010
CPM2010/27 13.04.02 2010 budget and operational plan En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Es Fr
10 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/10 08.06 Report by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) En Es Fr 03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/15 09.02.01 Compiled Member Comments on Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade (CPM2010/02-Annex 1) En 12 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/11 08.05 Report of the Standards and Trade Development Facility En 03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/24 15.01 Electronic certification En Es Fr Ar Zh
Zh Es Ar Fr
03 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/22 08.03 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency En 18 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/14 02 Tentative schedule for side events during CPM-5 En 08 مارس 2010
CPM2010/CRP/08 14.01 Advice to members on a Methyl Bromide Alternatives Information System (MBAIS) database by Australia En 24 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/13 08.04 Report of the Ozone Secretariat En 08 مارس 2010
CPM2010/CRP/09 09.04 IPPC Standard setting work programme (with proposed adjustments) En 24 مارس 2010
CPM2010/25 13.04.01 2009 Financial Report and Operational Plan En Es Fr Ar Zh
Es Ar Zh Fr
09 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/16 09.02.02 Compiled Member Comments on Appendix to ISPM 26 on fruit fly trapping (CPM2010/02-Annex 2) En 12 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/19 09.02.05 Compiled Member Comments on Annexes to ISPM 28 on Irradiation treatments (CPM2010-02-Annex 5-9) En 12 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/23 08.06 Report of other observer organizations: by Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) En 18 مارس 2010
CPM2010/INF/20 Statement of competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Union (EU) and its Member States En Es Fr Ar Zh
Ar Zh Fr Es
22 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/01 09.02 Adoption of International Standards: Regular process En 22 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/03 08.04, 09.04, 09.07, 09.10, 13.06, 14.01 Comments submitted by Japan En 22 مارس 2010
CPM 2010/CRP/05 08.06 Report of Codex Alimentarus Commission Prepared by Codex Alimentarius Secretariat En 23 مارس 2010
CPM2010/CRP/06 09.07 Adjusting translations, formatting and editing of adopted ISPMs En 24 مارس 2010
CPM2010/CRP/07 12.01 Comment of EU on Agenda Item 12.1: Revised Phytosanitary Capacity Building Strategy En 24 مارس 2010

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