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2005-02 IPPC ISPM 15 Initial Workshop, Vancouver, Canada

IPPC workshop on the practical application of ISPM No.15 Vancouver, Canada, 28 February - 4 March 2005

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This workshop was held to address the practical application of ISPM No. 15 (Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade), particularly for developing and least-developed countries, and to facilitate national ability to implement the standard. Over 170 delegates took part in this workshop, representing 79 different countries.

The workshop was made possible by a substantial financial contribution from the Standards and Trade Development Facility.

This web page was last reviewed on 2021-01-05. For further information please contact [email protected].

العنوان Files Publications date
2. Information - Practical application of ISPM No. 15 workshop En Es Fr 25 نوفمبر 2004
1. Agenda / Programme En Es Fr 22 فبراير 2005
ISPM No 15 workshop banner En 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 01 - IFQRG"s ISPM 15 List-serve Q&As En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 02 - IPPC"s questions regarding the practical use of the wood packaging mark in ISPM No. 15 En Es Fr 01 مايو 2004
Workbook Chapter 06 - Mexico"s export standard En Es 24 أغسطس 2004
Workbook Chapter 14 - Exercises: Guide to establishing regulations En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 04 - Canada"s export certification standard En Es Fr 10 أكتوبر 2003
Workbook Chapter 12 - European import requirements En Es Fr 01 مايو 2004
Workbook Chapter 12 - European import requirements - amendments En Es Fr 05 أكتوبر 2004
Welcome and introduction, Gary Koivisto, Canada En 28 فبراير 2005
Export/import systems approaches, Carol Thomas, Jamaica En 28 فبراير 2005
Entry/exit wood packing materials quarantine, Wang Yuejin, China En 28 فبراير 2005
NPPO oversight and quality systems, Shane Sela, Canada En 28 فبراير 2005
ISPM No 15 overview, Brent Larson, IPPC Secretariat En 28 فبراير 2005
ISPM No 15 worldwide implementation, Trevor Yu, Canada En 28 فبراير 2005
Verifying and predicting heat treatment times for wood packaging material, Hugh Evans, United Kingdom En 28 فبراير 2005
Principles behind treatments recommended in ISPM No 15, Eric Allen, Canada En 28 فبراير 2005
Australia & New Zealand import and manufacturing programme, Mike Ormsby, NZ, Doug Walsh, Australia En 28 فبراير 2005
Workbook Chapter 03 - United Kingdom"s marking programme En Es Fr 01 ديسمبر 2002
Workbook Chapter 03 - United Kingdom"s heat treatment standards En Es Fr 01 يونيو 2003
Workbook Chapter 03 - United Kingdom"s fumigation standards En Es Fr 01 يونيو 2002
Workbook Chapter 05 - New Zealand"s export standard En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 05 - New Zealand"s export standard - guidelines En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 07 - Denmark"s export standard En Es Fr 29 إبريل 2004
Workbook Chapter 07 - Denmark"s export standard - notice on documentary requirements En Es Fr 28 ديسمبر 2004
Implementation of ISPM No 15 in the United Kingdom, John Mead, United Kingdom En 28 فبراير 2005
Overview of ISPM No 15 list-serve Q&As, Roddie Burgess, United Kingdom En 01 مارس 2005
Industry wood packaging programme, Gordon Hughes, Canada En 01 مارس 2005
Heat treatments, Barbara Illman, USA En 28 فبراير 2005
Implementation of ISPM No 15 in the European Union, Thomas Schröder, Germany En 28 فبراير 2005
South American treatment industry and ISPM No 15, Marco Bertussi, Brazil En 01 مارس 2005
IPPC marks, Shane Sela, Canada En 01 مارس 2005
Implementation of ISPM No 15 for export, Mohammed Rahel, Morocco Fr 28 فبراير 2005
Implementation of ISPM No 15 in the NAPPO region, Shane Sela, Canada En 28 فبراير 2005
Methyl bromide operations systems, Marco Bertussi, Brazil En 01 مارس 2005
Implementation of ISPM No 15 in Chile, Marcos Beeche, Chile Es 28 فبراير 2005
Workbook Chapter 08 - Latvia"s export certification programme En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 09 - Canada"s import requirements En Es Fr 01 يونيو 2004
Workbook Chapter 10 - Canada"s inspection process En Es Fr 01 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 11 - United States" import requirements En Es Fr 16 سبتمبر 2004
Workbook Chapter 11 - United States" import requirements - implementation En Es Fr 01 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 13 - Government communication example 1 (Jamaica) En Es Fr 10 مارس 2004
Workbook Chapter 13 - Government communication example 2 (India) En Es Fr 29 يونيو 2004
Workbook Chapter 13 - Government communication example 3 (China) En Es Fr 21 يناير 2005
Workbook Chapter 13 - Industry communication example 1 (USA) En Fr 01 مارس 2005
Workbook Chapter 13 - Industry communication example 2 (Brazil) En Fr 05 يناير 2000
Workbook Chapter 13 - Industry communication example 3 (USA) En Fr 13 سبتمبر 2004
Workbook Chapter 13 - Industry communication example 4 (Canada) En Fr 08 ديسمبر 2003
Workbook Chapter 13 - Industry communication example 5 (United Kingdom) En Fr 08 نوفمبر 2004
Workbook Chapter 04 - Canada"s export certification - presentation En Es Fr 11 مارس 2005
3. List of Participants / Liste des Participants / Lista de Participantes En 17 مارس 2005
ISPM 15 Usage rules for collective/certification mark En 23 يونيو 2014

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