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Determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae)

Wed, 22 May 2024, 23:26
En Ru Ar Zh
Es Fr

This standard provides guidelines for the determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae) and describes three categories of host status of fruit to fruit flies. Fruit as referred to in this standard covers fruit in the botanical sense, including such fruits that are sometimes called vegetables (e.g. tomato and melon). This standard includes methodologies for surveillance under natural conditions and field trials under semi-natural conditions that should be used to determine the host status of undamaged fruit to fruit flies for cases where host status is uncertain. This standard does not address requirements to protect plants against the introduction and spread of fruit flies.

2024-05-22: An updated version of ISPM 37 as adopted by CPM-18 (2024), including the newly added Annex 1, was posted in EN. Language versions will follow in due time. Previous versions will be revoked.

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Adopted Standards (ISPMs)

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