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Update regarding the IPPC financial situation

Posted on Tue, 25 Jan 2011, 08:10

Bureau discussionsOn 12th October, Mohammad Katbeh Bader, the CPM Chairperson, wrote to all IPPC Contact Points to explain the critical financial position for the IPPC and the work programme in 2011. On behalf of the Bureau, he urged IPPC Member Countries and partner organizations to signal their intent to provide extra-budgetary support by the first of December 2010. The WTO-SPS Committee also expressed its concerns about the situation, and there were calls in the FAO Council for increased support to be given to IPPC.

The Chairperson extends his thanks to those countries which responded; there has been one firm offer of financial assistance and other indications that members are considering how to help.

Likewise, the FAO has advised the IPPC Secretariat that additional funding is available for the 2010-2011 biennium. This, along with the contributions promised by one member, has eased the situation to some extent, making it possible to hold two full Standards Committee meetings in 2011 as well as some evening sessions during the Commission plenary meeting in March 2011 (CPM-6). But this will still leave several key activities, such as the Technical Panels, some of the Regional Workshops and the information exchange programme without funding in 2011.

The medium to longer term financial situation has not changed, and so the Secretariat would still very much welcome offers of longer-term multi-annual contributions to help plan for the future. The Secretary will outline his strategy for resource mobilisation at CPM-6 but this might take several years before we see some positive results, and so in the meantime we need to continue to work to increase resources.

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