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Update from the CPM Bureau: May 2013

Posted on Mon, 27 May 2013, 10:16

Dear colleagues It was good to see many of you at the CPM meeting in April. I hope you took the opportunity to get to know your regional Bureau member and to attend the side sessions, as well as having some time to enjoy Rome. This note is to provide some updates on current issues and to provide some reminders of actions you need to take. ePhyto: This remains a CPM priority. With the new E-Phyto Steering Group agreed by CPM we hope soon to see the development of guidance for NPPOs on the use of ePhytos. Some countries have started to use ePhyto on a bilateral basis while others are nearly ready and so we need to continue to work toward harmonization in this area. We still need nominations from Near-East and Asia, so members in those regions need to work urgently together to nominate an expert so that a meeting can be arranged and the work can get underway as soon as possible. Another key action this year will be to conduct a feasibility study on the creation of an eHub , a system which would facilitate the exchange of ePhytos among contracting parties. Please keep checking the IPP for news on progress in this area. Increasing emphasis on Implementation of Standards: The Bureau notes CPM members views on increasing the emphasis on the implementation of ISPMs and the development of an integrated CPM-directed implementation program. We look forward to future discussions about this concept and developing more specific ideas and recommendations for such a programme. The SPG meeting in October is likely to have major strategic discussions on this and these will be helped by a good level of attendance from CPM members. Standards Work Ahead: Sea Containers: The Standards Committee (SC) in May had a detailed discussion on the sea containers issue and decided to circulate a preliminary version of the draft standard for comments on the broad concepts and practicability of the proposals rather than for detailed comments. This will be part of the member consultation beginning in June. As requested by CPM, the SC agreed the terms for a short survey on the pests found with sea containers and you will be asked soon to get involved in this and collect data on the scale of the problem; you are encouraged to put this into your NPPO s work plans as the IPPC expects to launch this survey in September 2013. Grain: The SC had insufficient time to arrange the discussions requested by CPM on a redrafted specification on the International movement of grain (2008-007)- this will now be a major issue for the November SC. You will recall that CPM-8 (2013) requested contracting parties to submit comments on strategic issues to their regional SC members. As there were only a few responses the SC requested that the deadline be extended. Contracting parties are invited to submit their strategic comments on this issue to the IPPC Secretariat [email protected] no later than 31 August 2013. The SC agreed to send the following draft standards for the Substantial Concerns Comment Period (SCCP), 1 June to 30 September: - Appendix to ISPM 12 on Electronic certification, information on standard XML schemes and exchange mechanisms (2006-003), Priority 1 - Establishment of fruit fly quarantine areas within a pest free area in the event of an outbreak (for inclusion as Annex 1 of ISPM 26) (2009-007), Priority 3 - Determination of host status of fruits and vegetables to fruit fly (Tephritidae) infestation (2006-031), Priority 1 The SC agreed to send the following draft standards for country consultation, 1 July to 30 November: - Management of phytosanitary risks in the international movement of wood (2006-029), Priority 1 - Preliminary draft: Minimizing pest movement by sea containers (2008-001), Priority 1 - Movement of growing media in association with plants for planting in international trade (2005-004), Priority 1 - Phytosanitary procedures for fruit fly (Tephritidae) management (2005-010), Priority 2 - Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) (1994-001) - Draft Annex to ISPM 27:2006 - Potato spindle tuber viroid (2006-022), Priority 1 - Draft Annex to ISPM 27:2006 - Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (2004-011), Priority 11 - Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007:Irradiation for Dysmicoccus neobrevipes BEARDSLEY, Planococcus lilacinus (COCKERELL) and Planococcus minor (MASKELL) (HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) The SC also agreed to send the following draft specifications for member consultation, 1 June to 30 July: - Revision of ISPM 4 - Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas (2009-002), Priority 2 - Revision of ISPM 8 - Determination of pest status in an area (2009-005), Priority 3 - Wood products and handicrafts made from raw wood (2008-008), Priority 1 Two draft recommendations: You should have received a request for comments on the two draft IRSS recommendations along with details on how to submit any such comments. As a reminder the drafts are on aquatic plants and on the internet trade. National Reporting Obligations: You will recall that CPM agreed to a review of the IPPC Information Exchange Programme and to form a new advisory group on National Reporting Obligations. This group will be composed of one expert from each of the seven FAO regions. Terms of Reference for the group are being prepared and will be provided soon - you should discuss this in with colleages with your regions. The Terms of Reference for this group are being developed and will be finalized by the CPM Bureau in June 2013. ISPM 15 symbol: Following the discussions in CPM there has already been good progress in getting more countries registered as well as renewals of existing registrations, facilitated by FAO Legal office, in collaboration with the Secretariat. Capacity development: The second meeting of Capacity Development Committee (CDC) will take place in Kuala Lumpur in 27-31 May 2013. Dispute settlement: CPM members are reminded that the SBDS Chair s report at CPM-8 announced the distribution of a short questionnaire on the IPPC Dispute Settlement System. The deadline for completing this short questionnaire in 30 June 2013 and it can be found in FAO languages at https://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=1110798&tx_publication_pi1[showUid]=2187416&frompage=13412&type=publication&subtype=&L=0#item Please complete and return it to the Secretariat as soon as possible. Strategic Planning Group: we are trying to get greater participation in the SPG and you are invited to suggest specific agenda items. These will be discussed in detail in the June Bureau meeting; please monitor the IPP for more information on the subject. Finally, the Bureau will meet for its major annual meeting in June, following a meeting of the Finance Committee and we would welcome any suggestions on IPPC issues, such as how to improve the running of the CPM meetings, the quality of the information provided, etc. Yours sincerely, Steve Ashby, CPM Chair, on behalf of the CPM Bureau

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