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The ePhyto Project Advisory Committee looks at the project's major achievements and next steps

Posted on Wed, 06 Feb 2019, 13:12

29 January 2019, Geneva - The ePhyto Project Advisory Committee met for the fourth time on 29 January 2019 at the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Since the last meeting in Rome during the summer of 2018, the ePhyto Solution project has advanced significantly.

The Secretariat proudly presented the Generic ePhyto National System, also known as GeNS. Discussions centered on the advancement of GeNS pilot countries, industry case studies, the 5-Year Strategic Plan, the donor strategy and what will happen upon the completion of the project at the end of 2019. The meeting concluded with an overview of the progress of organizations such as CITES, CODEX, OIE and WCO, with the objective of identifying areas of cooperation.

Participants generally agreed that there is a need for some type of a follow-up body for ePhyto, but were uncertain as to how it should be constructed. There was broad agreement that the ePhyto Solution has been very successful thus far, and all participants are committed to ensuring the continued success of ePhyto.

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