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Africa Phytosanitary Programme to boost Morocco’s fight against plant pests

Posted on Tue, 09 Jul 2024, 07:02

Rabat, 9 July 2024. The Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Deve…

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Sierra Leone’s Feed Salone Initiative and the Africa Phytosanitary Programme: A strong combination for plant health and food security

Posted on Wed, 03 Jul 2024, 15:24

Freetown 28 June 2024. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in Sierra …

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Posted on Tue, 28 May 2024, 08:21


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SPOTLIGHT: Zambia, steadfast champion for plant health and the Africa Phytosanitary Programme

Posted on Tue, 14 May 2024, 13:04

With plant pests and diseases becoming more severe, causing significant crop production and econ…

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Posted on Tue, 14 May 2024, 10:03


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Posted on Thu, 21 Mar 2024, 13:57

津巴布韦土地、农业、渔业和农村发展部副部长Vangelis Peter Haritatos(左)从IPPC秘书Osama El-Lissy(右)手中接过有关“非洲植物检疫计划”的材料。…

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Posted on Fri, 15 Mar 2024, 07:44

Moustafa Coulibaly一家从事芒果种植已有近五十年。Coulibaly和他的几个兄弟都属于马里西南部库里科罗地区恩图巴纳一个由15位农民组成的团体。他们共同经营着一个占地四公顷半…

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Posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2023, 09:29


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