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Member Consultation on draft specifications has started

Posted on Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 09:44

The IPPC 2013 member consultation on draft specifications has started on 1 June. The consultation period ends on 31 July 2013 and the IPPC Secretariat must have received all comments before that date. Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS), where draft specifications are posted. The following draft specifications are open for commenting: - 2009-002: Revision of ISPM 4:1995 Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas - 2009-005: Revision of ISPM 8:1998 Determination of pest status in an area - 2008-008: Wood products and handicrafts made from row wood For any query or comment regarding the 2013 member consultation on draft specifications, please contact [email protected]. If you need assistance to use the OCS, please contact the IPPC Secretariat: [email protected].

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