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2015 TPDP meeting report posted!

Posted on Wed, 05 Aug 2015, 08:08

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The Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) met in Shanghai, China, organized by the IPPC Secretariat and hosted by the NPPO of China. The TPDP reviewed their work programme which includes 27 diagnostic protocols (DPs); most of these will be submitted for adoption within the next 3-4 years. This means an enormous workload for all involved.

Five draft DPs were thoroughly discussed, including consideration of the comments received from the expert consultations held in 2015, and will be forwarded to the Standards Committee. The Panel also discussed horizontal issues such as quality assurance, best practices for sequences, detection of viable pests in seeds, and wood material. The meeting report is available here.

More information about the TPDP work can be obtained on the TPDP public page.

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