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ICPM 07 - 2005

Doc # Agenda # 标题 Files Publications date
ICPM 2005/5 07.2.5 ICPM 2005/5 - Criteria for the Formation of Supplements, Annexes and Appendices to ISPMs En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005 INF-6 05 ICPM 2005 INF6 - Summary Report of the Sixteenth Technical Consultation Among Regional Plant Protection Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/14 12.1 ICPM 2005/14 - Cooperation with the CBD En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 7, Report of the Seventh Session of the ICPM (2005) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jun 2005
ICPM 2005/12 08.8 ICPM 2005/12 - Role and Functions of Regional Plant Protection Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005/7 08.4.2 ICPM 2005/7 - Long Term Funding Options En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Dec 2004
-- List of documents by agenda point - 31 March 2005 En Es 01 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005/4 07.2.4 ICPM 2005/4 - Guidelines on the Role and Responsibilities of a Steward of an ISPM En Es Fr Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005 INF1 / Add. 1 04 ICPM 2005 INF1 Add.1 - Addendum to the Secretariat"s Report En
01 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005/6 07.2.6 ICPM 2005/6 - Procedures for the Development and Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (Including Criteria for Determining the Need for Further Rounds of Consultations on Draft Standards) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005 INF1 07.4 ICPM 2005 INF 11 - Application in OIE Standards of the Concepts of Zoning and Compartmentalisation En 01 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005/11 08.7 ICPM 2005/11 - Role and Functions of the Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005/2 07.3 ICPM 2005/2 - Adoption of International Standards [standards for adoption are annexes to this document] En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005/1 02 ICPM 2005/1 - Provisional agenda En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Dec 2004
ICPM 2005 INF5 07.5.2 ICPM 2005 INF5 - Framework for Standards and Procedures of the ICPM En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/3 08.1 ICPM 2005/3 - Preparations for Entry into Force of the New Revised Text of the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/17 12.2 ICPM 2005/17 - Collaboration between OIE, Codex Alimentarius Commission and the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/9 07.1.3 ICPM 2005/9 - Format, Publication and Distribution of ISPMs En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/13 14 ICPM 2005/13 - Election of Officers for the ICPM and Membership of Subsidiary Bodies En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/10 07.2.1 ICPM 2005/10 - Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005 INF3 07.1.1 ICPM 2005 INF3 - Standards Committee Report by the Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/18 07.2.3 ICPM 2005/18 - Guidelines for the Operation of Expert Working Groups En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/16 08.2 ICPM 2005/16 - Report of the Sixth Meeting of the ICPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/8 07.4 ICPM 2005/8 - Regionalization En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/15 08.5 ICPM 2005/15 - Financial Guidelines for the Trust Fund of the International Plant Protection Convention En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/19 07.2.2 ICPM 2005/19 - Guidelines on the Duties of Members of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/20 07.5.1 ICPM 2005/20 - Topics and Priorities for Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005 INF1 04 ICPM 2005 INF1 - Report of the Secretariat En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005 INF7 05.2 ICPM 2005 INF7 (English only) - Problems Associated with the Implementation of the ISPMs in Africa - Paper Provided by the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council En 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/21 12.3 ICPM 2005/21 - Coordination among United Nations Bodies on Quarantine and Pre-shipment Uses of Methyl Bromide En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/23 11.2 ICPM 2005/23 - Technical Assistance Work Programme En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/22 11.1 ICPM 2005/22 - Report on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Tool En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005 INF8 06.1 ICPM 2005 INF8 - Report on the Activities of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee and Other Relevant WTO Activities in 2004 En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/24 09.1 ICPM 2005/24 - The International Phytosanitary Portal and the Information Exchange Work Programme En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/25 09.2 ICPM 2005/25 - Exchange of Information within the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/26 07.1.4 ICPM 2005/26 - Electronic Certification En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Jan 2005
ICPM 2005/27 07.1.5 ICPM 2005/27 - Clarifications for some Spanish terms and definitions En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005 INF4 10.2 ICPM 2005 INF4 (English only) - IPPC Roster of Experts: Nomination Form En 01 Feb 2005
Adoption of draft ISPMs - Letter on behalf of ICPM Chairman En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005/28 08.3 ICPM 2005/28 - Financial Report 2004 En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005/29 08.4 ICPM 2005/29 - Budget Plan 2005 En Fr Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005/30 08.5 ICPM 2005/30 - Financial Report 2004 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005/31 08.5 ICPM 2005/31 - Budget 2005 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Ar Zh 01 Feb 2005
ICPM 2005/1 Rev.1 02 ICPM 2005/1 Rev.1 - Provisional agenda (Rev. 1) En Fr Ar Zh 22 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005/32 08.6 ICPM 2005/32 - Strategic Plan and Business Plan En Fr Ar Zh 22 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005 INF10 04 ICPM 2005 INF10 - Proposed modification of ISPM No. 15 methyl bromide En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005 INF2 03 ICPM 2005 INF 2 - Report by the Chairperson En Es Zh 01 Mar 2005
ICPM 2005 INF12 06.2 ICPM 2005 INF12 - Report on the Activities of the Convention on Biological Diversity En 01 Mar 2005
ICPM 7, Report of the Seventh Session of the ICPM (2005) - corrected list of participants En 01 Nov 2005
CBD - Report of the ad hoc technical expert group on gaps and inconsistencies in the international regulatory framework in relation to invasive alien species (Auckland, New Zealand, 16-20 May 2005)
01 Jun 2005

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