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ICPM 05 - 2003

Doc # Agenda # 标题 Files Publications date
ICPM03/1 1 Provisional Agenda En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/4 4.1 IPPC Budget from FAO Regular Programme Funds En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/7 4.4 Technical Assistance and PCE En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM 03/INF-1 Information document - Standards and Trade Development Facility En 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/14 7 Topics and Priorities for Standards En Fr 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/17 8.3 Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of a Trust Fund En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/20 8.6 Liaison with Research and Educational Institutions En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM 5, Report of the Fifth Session of the ICPM (2003) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 May 2003
ICPM03/2 2 Annotated Agenda En Es Fr
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/3 3 Report of the Chairperson: The State of IPPC Implementation En Es Fr
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/5 4.2 Standard Setting En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/6 4.3 Information Exchange and the IPP En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM 03/INF-3 Information document - Equivalence En
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/9 5 Adoption of International Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/10 6.1.1 Report of the Standards Committee and Amended Rules of Procedure and Terms of Reference for the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/12 6.1.3 Standards Committee Membership: Nominations En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/13 6.2 Establishment of a Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/15 8.1 Amendments to the Strategic Plan En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/16 8.2 ICPM Resources En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/8 4.5 Other Work Programme Related Information En Es Fr 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/18 8.4 Budget Transparency En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM 03/INF-2 Information document - Developing Country Participation in IPPC Standard-Setting En 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/19 8.5 IPPC-CBD Cooperation En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/11 6.1.2 Asia Concerns about the Composition of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/22 8.8 Technical Assistance: Development of Additional Tools En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/21 8.7 IPPC Information Exchange Work Programme En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/23 8.9 Programme of Work En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/24 8.10 Provisional Calendar 2003 En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/25 8.11 Guidelines on the Composition and Organization of Expert Working Group Meetings En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/27 10 Acceptance of the IPPC (1997) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Mar 2003
ICMP03/26 9 Work Programme for Harmonization: Topics and Priorities for Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/28 11 Report of the 14th Technical Consultation Among RPPOs En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM03/29 14 Election of the Bureau En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Mar 2003
ICPM 03/INF-5 Information document - Distribution of Competence Between the European Community and its Member States En Fr
01 Mar 2003

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