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Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of

IPPC Official Contact Point

   Sr. Joan Jose MONTILLA MOTA

   Director Nacional de Salud Vegetal
  Instituto Nacional de Salud Agricola Integral (INSAI)
  Avenida Las Delicias, Edificio INIA, Piso PB, OficinaS/N, Sector las Delicias, Maracay, Estado Aragua, Venezuela
  Phone: 582 432 414 090; 582 436 726 880; 582 436 726 878
  Mobile: +584243084572 +584265951717
  Email: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Preferred languages: Spanish
  网站: http://www.insai.gob.ve/
  Date contact registration: 28 Sep 2016

National Reporting Obligations
Description of the NPPO
Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions
Entry Points
List of Regulated Pests
Pest Reports
Organizational Arrangements of Plant Protection
Rationale for Phytosanitary Requirements
Pest status
Emergency Actions