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IPPC Official Contact Point

   M. Halidou MOHOMODOU

   Directeur Général
  Office de Protection des Végétaux
  Quartier du Fleuve, Square Patrice Lumumba- Rue 305 - Porte 82 Bamako Mali
  Phone: (+223) 20 22 80 24
  Mobile: (+223) 76 11 68 18 / 98 27 07 88
  Fax: (+223) 20 22 48 12
  Email: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Preferred languages: French
   Brief Biography Click to display

National Reporting Obligations
Description of the NPPO
Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions
Entry Points
List of Regulated Pests
Pest Reports
Organizational Arrangements of Plant Protection
Rationale for Phytosanitary Requirements
Pest status
Emergency Actions