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Detection of Tetranychus horridus (Hazelnut mite) in Victoria and New South Wales

Publication Date
Wed, 03 May 2017, 23:23
June 23, 2023, 5:20 a.m.
Report Number
Pest Id
Tetranycopsis horridus - (TTNYHO)
Report Status
Tetranycopsis horridus has a broad host range that includes plants from several families. Known hosts include: Betulaceae: Alnus sp.; Carpinus betulus; Corylus avellana; Corylus colurna; Corylus maxima; Corylus sp. Compositae: Achillea sp. Cupressaceae: Thuja sp. Fagaceae: Quercus sp. Juglandaceae: Juglans regia. Leguminosae: Phaseolus vulgaris Pinaceae: Picea glauca; Pinus sp. Salicaceae: Salix aegyptiaca.
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and not under official control
Geographical Distribution
Tetranycopsis horridus is present in New South Wales and is widespread in Victoria.

Tetranycopsis horridus was first reported on hazelnut in Victoria in 2016. Further surveys during February 2016 have shown a widespread distribution in Victoria. Tetranycopsis horridus was then detected in New South Wales as a result of targeted surveillance following its detection in Victoria. Tetranycopsis horridus has a broad host range but infestations in Australia are restricted to hazelnut plantations. The mite feeds on hazelnut leaves, causing discolouration that includes visible white or yellowish spots. The mites are found mainly on the underside of the leaves and have been reported as being destructive to commercial hazelnut crops.

Tetranycopsis horridus has been detected at a limited number of properties in regional Victoria and New South Wales. All infestations have been identified on Corylus (hazelnut). Tetranycopsis horridus has been reported as destructive to economic crops, specifically hazelnuts. It is also known to infest walnuts (Juglans sp.), pine (Pinus sp.), willow, oaks (Quercus sp.) and alder (Alnussp.). Tetranycopsis horridus is considered not technically feasible or cost beneficial to eradicate in Australia.
Contact for info
Australian Chief Plant Protection Officer Australian Government Department of Agriculture GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 [email protected]
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