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SPG 2019

Doc # Agenda # 标题 Files Publications date
01_SPG_2019_Oct 02.1 Agenda En 07 Oct 2019
02_SPG_2019_Oct 03.1 Documents list En 07 Oct 2019
03_SPG_2019_Oct 03.2 Participants list En 09 Oct 2019
05_SPG_2019_Oct 12.1 Update from CPM Bureau En 25 Sep 2019
06_SPG_2019_Oct 09.1 CPM-15 Ministerial-level segment En 25 Sep 2019
07_SPG_2019_Oct 10.2 CPM recommendation: Contaminating pest En 25 Sep 2019
08_SPG_2019_Oct 10.2 CPM Recommendation: Contaminating pest: Comments En 25 Sep 2019
09_SPG_2019_Oct 05.5 ToR and RoP for an IPPC Stakeholder Advisory Group En 09 Oct 2019
10_SPG_2019_Oct 07.3 Private sector partnerships En 09 Oct 2019
11_SPG_2019_Oct 09.2 IYPH Funding En 03 Oct 2019
12_SPG_2019_Oct 07.3 Private Sector Partnerships En 30 Sep 2019
13_SPG_2019_Oct 11.1 IPPC Focus Group on Commodity and Pathway Standards En 30 Sep 2019
14_SPG_2019_Oct 11.4 Dispute Avoidance and Settlement En 30 Sep 2019
15_SPG_2019_Oct 06.4 Framework for Standards and Implementation En 08 Oct 2019
16_SPG_2019_Oct 06.5 Revision ToRs of the IC En 30 Sep 2019
17_SPG_2019_Oct 07.6 Constrains to participation in and response to IPPC activities En 08 Oct 2019
18_SPG_2019_Oct 11.5 Update on activities on surveillance En 30 Sep 2019
19_SPG_2019_Oct 06.3 Monitoring and Evaluation of the IPPC Community and IPPC Secretariat En 30 Sep 2019
20_SPG_2019_Oct 08.1 IPPC Communications Strategy En 01 Oct 2019
21_SPG_2019_Oct 06.2 IPPC Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 - future CPM agendas En 01 Oct 2019
22_SPG_2019_Oct 11.3 Draft action plan for a Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems En 01 Oct 2019
04_Bureau_2019_Oct 07.5 Fully funded 2021 workplan En 07 Oct 2019
24_SPG_2019_Oct 12 Trade Facilitation Conference in 2021 En 02 Oct 2019
25_SPG_2019_Oct 07.4 Funding of the IPPC Hub En 02 Oct 2019
26_SPG_2019_Oct 07.3 Private Sector Partnerships - Submission from the United States and Canada En 09 Oct 2019
27_SPG_2019_Oct 07.4 ePhyto Update En 04 Oct 2019
28_SPG_2019_Oct 10.2 Ministerial Declaration on International Plant Health En 04 Oct 2019
04_SPG_2019_Oct 05.1 IPPC Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 En 07 Oct 2019
29_SPG_2019_Oct 11.6 Draft CPM Recommendation proposal: AMR to manage plant pests En 07 Oct 2019
30_SPG_2019_Oct 06.5 Rationale for updating the implementation and capacity development strategy En 07 Oct 2019
23_SPG_2019_Oct 07.1 Leveraging contracting parties for resource mobilization En 09 Oct 2019

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