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CPM 6 PPTs: Plenary Sessions, Side events and Side Sessions

Doc # Agenda # 标题 Files Publications date
CPM-6 Side event QBOL: Development of a new diagnostic tool using DNA barcoding to identify quarantine organisms in support of plant health En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Side event International Barcode of Life: Making every species count En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster QBOL - Identification of phytoplasmas using DNA '˜barcodes'™ En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster Molecular Identification of Ceratitis capitata (Tephritidae) and related fruit flies: Transitioning into the DNA Barcode Era En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster Turning DNA barcodes into an alternative tool for identification: African fruit flies as a model En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster The International Barcode of Life Project: Bringing Genomics to the Battle Against Plant Pests and Invasive Species En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster Insect pest diagnostics & species discovery under iBOL: the case of Orosius leafhoppers En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Side event Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry En 17 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Side event DNA Barcoding Barcoding, Capacity Building, and CPM'™s Mission En 22 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Poster DNA barcoding and forest biosecurity En 22 Mar 2011
CPM-6 Side Event The IPPC Online Comment System En 24 Mar 2011

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