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2014 August - Call for Experts (TPDP, TPPT, EWGs)

Posted on Tue, 26 Aug 2014, 16:08

Nominations are being solicited by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for appropriately qualified experts for membership on (i) Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) and (ii) Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT). Expert nominations are also sought for three Expert Working Groups (EWGs) to develop international standards on (iii) International movement of grain, (iv) Revision of ISPM 6:1997 (Guidelines for surveillance), and (v) Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages.

It should be noted that members of Technical Panels serve for a 5-year term.

Nominations will be accepted from governments, NPPOs and RPPOs. Nominations should be supported by the submitting organization and self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from a government authority. All nominations should include the nominee’s CV, the completed form “Summary of specific expertise,” and the signed statement of commitment. The Standards Committee will review the nominations and select experts based on the experience presented.

Click here for more information such as the call letter and other documents.

The deadline for submission of nominations is 26 October 2014.

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