This IPPC Guide is developed under the frame of the “FAO support to COMESA trade facilitation programme” (GCP/INT/387/COM) and aims to provide resources and implementation experiences to National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs), Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) and relevant institutions to develop and implement effective contingency plans to address outbreaks of quarantine pests. Although many NPPOs and RPPOs develop contingency plans to address pest incursions and outbreaks, there are currently no IPPC implementation resources to guide Contracting Parties and relevant stakeholders in establishing contingency plans. The 2018 Framework for Standards and Implementation identifies “contingency planning and emergency response” as a priority, and suggests that guidelines for the development of contingency plans are needed. In addition, the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020–2030 identifies the development of a guide and other tools for contingency planning as a priority activity in the development area “Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems”. The purpose of this guide on contingency planning is to provide a harmonized generic outline of what NPPOs and RPPOs in collaboration with relevant stakeholders need to do to identify, contain, eradicate or manage a pest incursion or outbreak.
The Process for the Development of IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Guides and Training Materials outlines the stages, methods and processes that guide the development and revision of implementation resources under the auspices of the IPPC Secretariat.
2021-03:CPM-15 added this topic to List ICD Topics (priority 1)
2021-06:Call for experts to develop guide on contingency planning
2021-07:Consultation on draft specification
2021-09:Specification approved by the IC (IC_VM16)
2021-11:Selection of WG members by IC (2021_eIC_26)
2021-12:1st working group meeting (VM01)
2021-12:2nd working group meeting (VM02)
2022-01:3rd working group meeting (VM03)
2022-02:4th working group meeting (VM04)
2022-02:Call for country case studies about contingency planning for quarantine pest outbreaks
2022-02:5th working group meeting (VM05)
2022-02:6th working group meeting (VM06)
Mr Francisco GUTIERREZ (BZ)
Juan RULL GABAYET [email protected]
标题 | Files | Publications date |
Membership of the Working Group to Develop the Guide on Contingency Plan for Outbreaks of Quarantine Pests | En | 21 Feb 2022 |
Approved Specification: Guide on Contingency Planning for Outbreaks of Quarantine Pests (2019-012) | En | 21 Feb 2022 |