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WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation

Posted on أربعاء, 23 يوليو 2014, 09:14

The WTO discussion on Trade Facilitation has been evolving. The attached PowerPoint presentation is for information to the IPPC Contracting Parties, which was presented by the IPPC Secretariat In the recent regional workshops. It is recommended that the Contracting Parties will pay special attentions to further development in the WTO community. For example, the General Council of the WTO did not complete the final agreement on the draft Protocol for the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, which was expected to happen in the Bali agreement package last year by the end of the previous month. (Please refer to the statement of Director General of WTO at the informal meeting of Trade Negotiations Committee on 31 July 2014, implying the next moves may take place in September: http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news14_e/tnc_infstat_31jul14_e.htm). Further news will become available at the WTO Trade Facilitation page: http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/tradfa_e/tradfa_e.htm

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