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Webinar Series: Fall Armyworm, a global threat to prevent

Fall armyworm threatens global food security and plant health.

Thank you for participating in this webinar!

Webinar 1: The IPPC Fall Armyworm prevention programme

22 October 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Recording is available at: https://fao.zoom.us (Passcode: FAW2210+)

Questions & Answers : Q&A

Webinar 2: Fall armyworm prevention and preparedness

19 November 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Recording is available at: https://fao.zoom.us (Passcode: FAW1911+)

Questions & Answers :Q&A

Webinar 3: Fall armyworm response and communication

10 December 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Recording is available at: https://fao.zoom.us (Passcode: FAW2021+)

Questions & Answers : Q&A

This webinar is intended to:

  1. Strengthen the national and regional FAW prevention, preparedness, and response systems and management capabilities;
  2. Promote regional FAW prevention, preparedness, and response, and encourage the adoption of regional and international preparedness and response systems;
  3. Create opportunities to network among the IPPC Secretariat, experts from the FAO/IPPC FAW Technical Working Group, staff from RPPOs and NPPOs to share expertise and information on FAW risks analysis, management, and communication.

Who should attend?

Webinars are primarily directed to National Plant Protection Organizations heads and officers working specifically on pest risk analysis, surveillance, operations, eradication and containment. Stakeholders involved in Fall Armyworm prevention, researchers supporting NPPOs, producers' associations and FAO staff are also welcome.


Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda

FAO Global Action for Fall Armyworm (FAW) Control

Why attending this webinar?

Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (FAW) can cause unprecedented impacts to, particularly maize (Zeamays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), rice (Oryza sativa), and other crops – if not managed properly. The introduction and spread of this pest should be prevented where still possible. None of the more than 70 countries in which FAW has been detected has been able to eradicate this pest, and significant pest populations have been established in most of the affected countries.


Webinar One:  Introduction, General launch, and presentation of the guidelines, including FAW distribution and biology 

22 October 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Content Presenter Timing
Opening Remarks Sarah BRUNEL, IPPC Secretariat (Moderator) 3 minutes
Welcoming remarks Avetik NERSISYAN, IPPC Secretariat 5 minutes 
Welcoming remarks Chris DALE, TGW Chair 5 minutes
FAO/IPPC Prevention, Preparedness and Response Guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda: introduction and overview Chris Dale 10 minutes
FAO/IPPC Prevention, Preparedness and Response Guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda: introduction and overview Camilo Beltran Montoya, IPPC Secretariat 15 minutes
Poll Moderator 5 minutes
Fall armyworm: distribution, biology and behavioural traits Tek TAY, CSIRO Australia 15 minutes 
Considerations for NPPO officials when preparing or responding to FAW threats  Mariangela CIAMPITTI, Plant Protection Service of Lombardy (Italia) 5 minutes 
Role of the RPPOs in preparedness Mekki CHOUIBANI, Near East Plant Protection Organisation (NEPPO) 5 minutes 
Available sources of information Ms Alison WATSON, Grow Asia 10 minutes
Q&A Session Moderator 40 minutes
Concluding remarks  Moderator 5 minutes


Webinar Two: Fall Armyworm Prevention and Preparedness

19 November 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Content Presenter Timing
Opening Remarks Sarah BRUNEL, IPPC Secretariat (Moderator) 5 minutes
Key topics for prevention preparedness and phytosanitary measures Camilo Beltran Montoya, IPPC Secretariat 10 minutes 
Zoom Poll Moderator 5 minutes
Pest Risk Analysis, phytosanitary regulation Mekki CHOUIBANI, Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO) 15 minutes
Inspection and diagnostics Valerio LUCCHESI, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) 15 minutes
Zoom Poll Moderator 5 minutes
Early warning and early detection surveillance Chris DALE, TGW Chair 15 minutes
NPPO Preparedness activities Mariangela CIAMPITTI, Plant Protection Service of Lombardy (Italia) 15 minutes
Q&A Session Moderator 30 minutes
Concluding remarks  IPPC Secretariat/FAW TGW Member 5 minutes


Webinar Three: Fall Armyworm response and communication

10 December 12:00-14:00 (CET)

Content Presenter Timing
Opening Remarks Sarah BRUNEL, IPPC Secretariat (Moderator) 5 minutes
Overview of the series of webinars and key topics Camilo Beltran Montoya, IPPC Secretariat 5 minutes 
FAW delimiting and monitoring surveillance Chris DALE, TGW Chair 10 minutes
Sustainable FAW management Buyung HADI, FAO 15 minutes
RPPO role and responsibility in response Valerio LUCCHESI, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) 15 minutes
Zoom Poll Moderator 10 minutes
Communication and stakeholder engagement to assist countries Roger DAY, CABI 10 minutes
NPPO case studies NPPO representative 15 minutes
Q&A Session Moderator 30 minutes
Concluding remarks and zoom poll IPPC Secretariat/FAW TGW Member 5 minutes

This web page was last updated on 2021-11-26. For further information please contact [email protected].

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
1st Session FAO/IPPC Prevention, Preparedness and Response Guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda: introduction and overview En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session FAO/IPPC Prevention, Preparedness and Response Guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda: introduction and overview En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session Fall armyworm: distribution, biology and behavioural traits En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session Considerations for NPPO officials when preparing or responding to FAW threats En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session Role of the RPPOs in preparedness En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session Available sources of information En 25 أكتوبر 2021
1st Session Questions & Answers 1st Webinar 22 October 2021 En 09 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session Key topics for prevention, preparedness and phytosanitary measures for FAW (Spodoptera frugiperda) En 19 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session Pest Risk Analysis for Fall Armyworm En 19 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session Inspections and Diagnostics for Fall Armyworm En 19 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session FAO/IPPC Fall Armyworm Guideline Webinar Workshop Series En 19 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session NPPO FAW Preparedness Activities En 19 نوفمبر 2021
2nd Session Questions & Answeres 2nd Webinar 19 November 2021 En 06 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session Overview of the series of webinars and key topics En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session Delimiting Surveillance for Fall Armyworm En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session RPPO role and responsibility in response: The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session NPPO Fall Armyworm Response Case Studies En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session Communication and Information Sharing​ En 14 ديسمبر 2021
3rd Session Questions & Answers 3rd Webinar 10 December 2021 En 21 ديسمبر 2021

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