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Technical Training on Fruit Flies in Sri Lanka

Years: 2019 - 2020
Venue: Sri Lanka

IPPC Secretariat together with Sri Lanka NPPO (National Plant Quarantine Service, Department of Agriculture of Sri Lanka) are implementing a project entitled “Strengthening the Capacity of Developing Contracting Parties to Implement the IPPC and its standards under FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme” (GCP /INT/291/CPR).

Training courses and workshops on phytosanitary measures and IPM technologies to combat Fruit Flies have been or are going to be organized from 2019 to 2021. Presentations and documents are available below.

This web page was updated on 2020-01-09. For further information please contact [email protected].

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
2019 01 Overall Introduction for the First Tech Training En 13 يناير 2020
2019 02 Prevention and Control of Economically Important Fruit Flies in China En 13 يناير 2020
2019 03 Introduction of Trapping Systems for Fruit Flies En 13 يناير 2020
2019 04 Practical Activities for Checking and Servicing of Fruit Flies Traps En 13 يناير 2020
2019 05 Morphological Identification of Economically Important Fruit Flies En 13 يناير 2020
2019 06 Introduction of Emergency Action Plan on Fruit Flies En 13 يناير 2020
2019 07 Molecular Identification Methods of Fruit Flies En 13 يناير 2020
2019 08 Summary of the First Tech Training En 13 يناير 2020

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