Posted on ثلاثاء, 07 أكتوبر 2014, 08:32
During the first meeting of the National Reporting Obligations Advisory Group (NROAG - July 2014), it was agreed that every year would be dedicated to a different national reporting obligation. As Official Contact Points (OCPs) are central to the functioning and wellbeing of the IPPC, it was unanimously agreed that 2014/15 would focus on Official Contact Point (OCP) awareness raising and increasing the activity of OCPs in general. Therefore, the period up to CPM-10 in 2015 becomes the NRO Year of the IPPC Official Contact Point.
You can now read our National Reporting Obligations Update packed with information on the Official Contact Points. Also take a moment to consult the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) by going go to your country home page and look at your country s contact details. If these data are not correct, please follow the advice on the page 3 of NROs Update under: Check your national information on the IPP.