Posted on خميس, 11 مايو 2017, 09:31
Photograph: Copyright: 2015 Cédric Rajadel - Ryncophorus ferrugineus
The Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) is a European Union (EU) funded project that has undertaken a number of activities to review contracting parties implementation challenges and successes since its inception in 2011. The past year has seen several ongoing IRSS activities, many of which are scheduled for completion in 2017. The IPPC intends to commence a third project cycle of the IRSS during 2017 for an additional period of three years dependent on funding. The IRSS operates to: 1) provide key strategic and analytical support to various IPPC Secretariat Units; 2) implementation pilot work plan activities; 3) conduct case studies on emerging issues related to thematic areas such as food security, climate change, trade facilitation; 4) define the future implementation priorities through a prioritization methodology to be tested during the implementation pilot project on surveillance; and 5) provide support and assistance to contracting parties seeking help in implementation of the IPPC and its standards, through management of the IRSS Help desk.
Some major activities of the IRSS in 2016 included the launch of the new IRSS Helpdesk located on the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP). The helpdesk is an online platform that includes three main features - the Question and Answer (Q&A) Forum, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and links to the Phytosanitary Resources webpage. Improvements to the helpdesk have been made to enhance user experience and friendliness, access to content, and to ease navigation to and within the helpdesk.
2016 also saw the launch of the 2nd IPPC General Survey. The survey was designed to capture information on contracting parties implementation of the obligations and responsibilities as described in the Convention, implementation of the standards and CPM recommendations. The survey responses that were received will feed into the strategic planning of the IPPC Secretariat and contribute towards prioritization of work activities to assist contracting parties with their implementation needs, including capacity development activities and technical assistance. Survey responses also feed into the IPPC standard setting process, in both development of new standards and revision of existing standards.
The development of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework commenced in 2016 in collaboration with the Centre of Development and Innovation (CDI) of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. The IRSS is the IPPC s tool to undertake review activities of contracting parties implementation of the Convention, and therefore will both complement and feed into the IPPC M&E framework, currently in development.
Two IRSS studies were initiated. The IRSS study, The Biosecurity Approach - A review and evaluation of its application by FAO, internationally and in various countries, looked at different definitions, principles and the main drivers of biosecurity. Case studies presented an insight to challenges and successes of application at the national level. The IRSS study, Analyzing the benefits of implementing the IPPC, sought to identify the benefits at the national, regional and global level, while also considering benefits to different stakeholders in the IPPC community.
To provide contracting parties with specific guidance for how to access funding both within their countries and externally, previously conducted IRSS resource mobilization analysis was used to develop the IPPC Guide to Resource Mobilization.
As part of the Food and Agriculture Organization organizational foresight group, the IRSS prepared a questionnaire on Plant Health Emerging Issues that was sent to all IPPC Regional Workshop participants. The questionnaire asked participating contracting parties to list the five most important emerging issues related to plant health in the next two to five years. This information was collated and analyzed and the report is now available.
The IPPC Secretariat organized a side session during the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM)-12 in April 2017 on the The Benefits of the IPPC. The side session highlighted outcomes of the IRSS study - Analyzing the benefits of implementing the IPPC and presented case studies to demonstrate benefits contracting parties have gained by implementing the Convention and its standards.