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Registration for the IPPC International Symposium for Pest Free Areas and Surveillance Has Been Extended!

Posted on جمعة, 02 أغسطس 2019, 12:26

The IPPC International Symposium for Pest Free Areas (PFAs) and Surveillance is to be held in Shizuoka, Japan between 28 October and 1 November 2019.

The new deadline for the registration for the International Symposium for Pest Free Areas and Surveillance is 16 August 2019!

Do not miss an opportunity to attend the Symposium to learn more and share your experience on:

  • International framework for Pest Free Areas (PFAs) and Surveillance
  • How sound surveillance, PFAs and Phytosanitary certification systems contribute to market access
  • Implementation and capacity development needs to carry out surveillance and establish and maintain PFAs

More information on the Symposium is available at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/symposia/symposium-on-pfas-and-surveillance/

Online registration is open at http://event-services.fao.org/events/ippc-international-symposium-for-pest-free-areas-and-surveillance/event-summary-16e646ed6d8647f7949e3f99e2d3a885.aspx. The deadline is 16 August 2019.

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