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Questions and Answers on ISPM 15 Symbol: submit questions by 29 March 2013 for CPM-8 evening session

Posted on ثلاثاء, 23 إبريل 2013, 20:51

The IPPC Secretariat and FAO legal office will jointly host a question and answer session on registration of the ISPM 15 symbol. CPM-8 delegates are encouraged to attend and to submit questions in advance.

ISPM 15 (Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade) was first adopted by the ICPM in March 2002. The ISPM 15 symbol was developed to be used by contracting parties as part of the certification mark for wood packaging material that has been treated according to the procedures described in the standard.

As has been discussed at numerous sessions of the CPM, registration and renewal of this FAO symbol at a national level is the responsibility of contracting parties, to be conducted by national authorities in collaboration with the FAO legal office. National-level registration has not taken place or will soon expire in many contracting parties. See CPM-8 document CPM 2013/24 for additional information (all CPM-8 documents are available at: http://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=13330).

Contracting parties are requested to submit questions relating to registration or renewal of registration of the ISPM 15 symbol through email addressed to [email protected] by 29 March 2013.

The FAO legal office will be available to respond to questions with regard to the importance and the practicalities of national-level registration of the ISPM 15 symbol.

This event will take place as an evening session at CPM-8 during the week of 8-12 April 2013, with interpretation into official FAO languages.

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