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Invasive Alien Species: Invitation to the Online Discussion Forum

Posted on أربعاء, 10 إبريل 2019, 09:44

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The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity organized a moderated online discussion forum on matters related to invasive alien species, with the following timetable:

  • 1 - 31 May 2019: Methods for cost-benefit analysis
  • 1 - 30 June 2019: Methods, tools, and measures for identification and minimization of risk of e-commerce
  • 1 - 31 July 2019: Methods, tools and strategy for invasive alien species management under climate change and others
  • 1 - 31 August 2019: Risk analysis on the potential consequences on social, economic and cultural values
  • 1 - 15 September 2019: Wrap up session for synthesis of report

The Secretariat would like to encourage your active participation in this online forum. To take part in the online forum, participants are required to submit a duly completed Participation Form, endorsed by the National Focal Point for the Convention or Head of the Organization (forms attached), and to send the forms to the Secretariat by e-mail at: [email protected] as soon as possible but no later than 19 April 2019.

The full text of the call and the nomination form are available at https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-040-ias-en.docx

Further information about the online forum is available at: https://www.cbd.int/invasive/forum2/

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