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EWG on Cut Flowers and Branches 2008-005)

Posted on خميس, 26 يونيو 2014, 15:31

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Last week, the IPPC Secretariat facilitated an Expert Working Group (EWG) meeting for Cut Flowers and Branches (2008-005) which took place in Arusha, Tanzania from 16 to 20 June 2014. These experts met to develop a standard on the international movement of cut flowers and branches. The experts contributed with discussion papers and all tasks laid out in the specification 56 were thoroughly discussed. By the conclusion of the meeting, a consensus had been reached on all the issues raised during the discussion and on the draft standard. The EWG members were satisfied that the standard will help harmonize many of the aspects of cut flowers trade while preventing the spread of plant pests. The draft standard is expected to be presented to the May 2015 Standards Committee meeting and if approved, the draft will be submitted for member consultation in 2015.

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