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Call for IPPC-related Successes and Challenges

Posted on أربعاء, 10 ديسمبر 2014, 09:37

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During last year s CPM, participants had the opportunity to hear about a couple of phytosanitary successes and challenges from our FAO Sub-regional officer in Central Africa and from Canada. These presentations were favorably received and because of that, the Secretariat would like to make this call for presentations of phytosanitary successes and challenges for CPM10. Ideally, these presentations should be no more than 1-3 pages in length, they should concentrate on issues that would be of interest to all contracting parties, and they may be submitted in any of the six official FAO languages. Not all submissions will be possible to present during CPM due to program time constraints, but the Secretariat would like to make all of the submissions available to participants. The Bureau will determine which submissions to present to the CPM. The final date for submissions will be January 23.

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