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North American Plant Protection Organization


RPPO contact

   Mr. Javier TRUJILLO

   Chief Scientist
  1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 145, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 United States of America
  Phone: 01 (919) -617-4040
  Mobile: +52 55 5409 8876
  بريد إلكتروني: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Preferred languages: English, Spanish
  Date contact registration: 10 أكتوبر 2024

The North American Plant Protection Organization is the phytosanitary standard-setting organization for the North American region (Canada, United States and Mexico), recognized in the original North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and in the recently ratified United States, Mexico and Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA). NAPPO operates according to a 2004 Cooperative Agreement that is supplementary to the original Plant Protection Agreement signed in 1976 by representatives from all three countries to promote and secure regional cooperation in the field of plant protection.

NAPPO’s Cooperative Agreement, Constitution and By-Laws, and Strategic Plan also highlight the importance of hemispheric and global collaboration in plant protection. The competent Federal Government authorities who are the official members of NAPPO, including within its governance structure, are from the national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NAPPO is unique among RPPOs for its leadership in integrating private industry input into its decision-making and document development processes.

To date, NAPPO has developed more than 40 regional plant health standards (Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures or RSPMs) and numerous other harmonized technical documents (Science and Technology, Discussion, and Guidance documents, among others) through seamless collaboration between North American plant health regulators and private industry stakeholders. These documents are available to the public in NAPPO’s two official languages.


The mission of NAPPO is to provide a forum for public and private sectors in Canada, the United States and Mexico to collaborate in the regional protection of agricultural, forest, other plant resources, and the environment while facilitating safe trade. Plant protection and facilitation of safe trade are achieved through the development and implementation of science-based regional standards and other plant health documents and activities directed toward preventing the introduction and spread of regulated plant pests.

Date established: 13 October, 1976


Member countries:

Listed from North to South:

Canada, United States of America, and Mexico


On a regional level, NAPPO:

  • Develops and adopts Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (RSPMs) and other technical documents to harmonize the phytosanitary measures of its member countries in order to facilitate the safe trade of plants, plant products, and other regulated articles into and within the NAPPO region;
  • Provides a forum for government and industry to discuss phytosanitary issues of concern to the NAPPO region;
  • Harmonizes phytosanitary measures in the NAPPO region;
  • Encourages and facilitates training and capacity development of NAPPO stakeholders to implement NAPPO RSPMs and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), the governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC);
  • Encourages appropriate organizations to engage in research or methods development to support NAPPO strategic objectives;
  • As appropriate, provides assistance to NAPPO member countries in, mediating, presenting, and discussing the required technical information to help prevent, avoid, or settle a phytosanitary dispute;
  • Collects phytosanitary information from other regions or internationally and reports back on issues relevant to NAPPO member countries; and
  • Provides administrative support and facilitates intra-regional cooperation on transboundary pests that affect two or more NAPPO member countries, as appropriate.

On a hemispheric level, NAPPO:

  • Encourages coordinated phytosanitary approaches through active participation in the Inter-American Coordinating Group in Plant Protection (GICSV, based on the Spanish acronym);
  • Collaborates with other RPPOs and international organizations to implement the objectives of the IPPC and its ISPMs and, where appropriate, assists in the development and delivery of training or other assistance to facilitate this goal; and
  • Encourages dialogue on phytosanitary issues to promote common interests or to provide a mechanism for discussing differences.

On a global level, NAPPO:

  • Supports the IPPC Secretariat and the CPM by collaborating in the development and implementation of ISPMs and other objectives of the IPPC, as appropriate;
  • Exchanges technical information with other RPPOs and the IPPC Secretariat concerning all aspects of plant protection;
  • Encourages cooperative efforts among its member countries to participate in international initiatives in support of plant protection or phytosanitary priorities of potential interest to the NAPPO region; and
  • Actively participates in the annual Technical Consultation among RPPOs (TC-RPPO) and other appropriate forums.

These objectives foster a scientifically sound and consistent regulatory framework for safe trade involving plants, plant products, and other regulated articles within and beyond the NAPPO region.
