First report of the fall army worm Spodoptera frugiperda in Cameroon
old revision
Publication Date
جمعة, 02 يونيو 2017, 11:16
اخر تحديث
يونيو 2, 2017, 11:16 ص
Report Number
Pest Id
Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR)
Report Status
- Taxonomy notes : The genus Spodoptera comprises 31 species with seven species previously recorded from the Afrotropical region while six species are known to occur inWest and Central Africa. Sopodoptera exempta or African armyworm is the most common and well known amongst them in Africa
- Host(s) concerned : The fall army worm (FAW) is a polyphagous pest reported feeding on at least 100 plant species belonging to 27 families. However Poaceae plants like maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, sugar cane etc. are preferred hosts.
- Status of the pest : All developmental stages of maize plant are attacked but severe damages occurred on young plants. The pest status in Cameroon needs to be assessed.
Geographical Distribution
- Geographical distribution : The FAW is originated from the tropical regions of the Americas going from the United States to Argentina and the Caribbean region. It has been recently introduced into the African continent and has already moved to at least 21 countries where the pest has been reported for the past 16 months. In Cameroon, it was firstly observed damaging maize plants in Foumbot, Western Cameroon on 18 December 2015. It is now reported from These reported in West, Centre, Far North, Littoral and South-west regions, but recent information received from farmers and extension agents strongly indicate that this pest is already present in almost all the ten regions of Cameroon
Short description or summary : During a practical (field) session of farmers training on integrated management of maize pests damages on maize plants by the fall army worm were observed in Foumbot, Western Cameroon on 18 December 2015. This pest is native to tropical America and has just been introduced in African. This paper is therefore the first report of the FAW in Cameroon.
- Nature of immediate or potential danger : The overall costs of losses for maize, sorghum, rice and sugarcane in Africa are estimated to be approximately $13,383m
Contact for info
Directeur de la Réglementation et du Contrôle de Qualité des Intrants et des Produits Agricoles DRCQ
Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural
BP 2082 Messa-Yaoundé, Cameroun
Phone: +237 222 31 67 71
Mobile: +237 675 66 70 00/ +237 698 59 38 11
Email: [email protected]
Preferred languages: English, French