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The IPPC High-level Symposium on Cooperation of Phytosanitary Measures among the Chinese Initiative “One Belt” Countries

Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

27-30 May 2019

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Participants attending the IPPC High-level Symposium © National Agro-technical Extension and Service Centre (NATESC)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is implementing a global project under the framework of the FAO-China SSC Programme. The overall objective of this IPPC-China Project is to strengthen the capacity of developing contracting parties (CPs) to implement the IPPC and its International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). Within this project, two IPPC High-level Symposia are to be organized in China on Cooperation of Phytosanitary Measures among the Chinese Initiative “the Belt and Road” Countries.

The second IPPC High-level Symposium was held on 27-30 May, Xi’an, China. It was attended by over 40 participants from 22 countries in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Near East and Africa, as well as from two Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) including the Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO), and Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (IAPSC).

The IPPC Secretary presented an overview of the IPPC Capacity Development Project under the Framework of the FAO-China Sooth-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme. South-South and Triangular Cooperation (OSS) of FAO, made a presentation focusing on FAO’s SSTC Strategy and FAO-China SSC Programme. All participating National and Regional Plant Protection Organizations presented reports on their countries and regions. Their presentations covered the regulatory, technical and operational aspects of plant quarantine systems; opportunities and challenges related to phytosanitary measures; emerging regulated pests; and recommendations to promote cooperation on phytosanitary measures among “One Belt and One Road” countries. Participants also visited a pilot site for green plant protection in Shanxi Province.

The Symposium was co-organized by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat, the National Agro-technical Extension and Service Centre (NATESC) of China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) and the Agriculture Department of Shaanxi Province. It was financially supported by the IPPC Project on Capacity Development under the Framework of the FAO-China SSC Programme.

This web page was reviewed on 2020-03-06. For further information please contact [email protected].

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
1.Report_IPPC High-level Symposium on Cooperation of the Phytosanitary Measures among the Chinese Initiative “One Belt” Countries En 23 يوليو 2019
2. China Presentation The Status of agricultural plant quarantine in China En 26 يوليو 2019
3. China Presentation Brief Introduction to Entry & Exit Plant Quarantine System of Chin En 26 يوليو 2019
4. China Presentation Phytosanitary Research System for Agriculture in China En 26 يوليو 2019
5. China Presentation Phytosanitary Education System in China En
6. China Presentation Report on e Certification System En 26 يوليو 2019
7. China Presentation Shaanxi Agricultural Report on Plant Quarantine En
8. China Presentation Shaanxi Custom Report on Plant Quarantine En 26 يوليو 2019
9. Country Report Democratic Republic of Congo En 26 يوليو 2019
10. Country Report Kenya En 26 يوليو 2019
11. Country Report Ghana En 26 يوليو 2019
12. Country Report Madagascar En
13. Country Report Malawi En
14. Country Report Mozambique En
15. Country Report Nigeria En
16. Country Report Sierra Leone En
17. Country Report Tunisia En
18. Country Report Uganda En
19. Country Report Zambian En
20. Country Report Zimbabwe En
21. Country Report Azerbaijan En
22. Country Report Latvia En
23. Country Report Malta En
24. Country Report Russia En
25. Country Report Serbia En
26.Country Report Turkey En
27. Country Report Egypt En
28.Country Report Iraq En
29. Country Report Jordan En
30.Country Report Yemen En
31. Regional Report NEPPO En
32. Regional Report NEPPO IAPSC En
33. China’s Agricultural Industry China’s Agricultural Industry Hebi Jiaduo Science, Industry and Trade Co. Ltd. En
34. China’s Agricultural Industry Pherobio Technology Co. Ltd. En
35. China’s Agricultural Industry Shaanxi Sunger Road Bio-Science Co. Ltd. En
36. China’s Agricultural Industry Sino-Agri Fengmao Plant Protection Machineray Co. Ltd. En
37. China’s Agricultural Industry Shenzhen DJI Innovation technology Co. Ltd. En
38. China’s Agricultural Industry Guangxi Nanning Heyi Biological Control Co. Ltd. En

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