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EC IRSS 3rd cycle

Budget: 630,000 EUR Start: Feb 2018 End: May 2022

The European Commission (EC) IIIrd third cycle Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) project enables the IPPC Secretariat to identify the challenges of Contracting Parties in implementing the Convention, ISPMs and CPM Recommendations, so support can be designed and provided to help address the challenges.

The project undertakes activities as might be required to respond to the information needs of contracting parties – these activities include conducting surveys, workshops, e-consultations. The information products resulting from the series of IRSS projects are available here.

The EC IIIrd cycle IRSS project includes the following work packages:

  1. Work package 1: Reviewing the implementation of contracting parties in adhering to the IPPC, ISPMs and CPM recommendations to provide strategic and analytical input into the IPPC Secretariat units (Implementation Facilitation Unit, Standard Setting Unit and Implementation Support Team).

  2. Work package 2: Providing support and assistance to contracting parties seeking help in implementing the Convention, ISPMs and CPM recommendations through support tools on the IPP such as the Phytosanitary Components page.

  3. Work package 3: Seeking information from contracting parties and regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) on emerging implementation issues, in order to anticipate how to address them – this includes the State of Plant Protection in the World for the International Year of Plant Health, and a strategy for contracting party preparedness to respond to emerging issues.

  4. Work package 4: Analyzing key issues identified by CPM and subsidiary bodies.

  5. Work package 5: The preparation of annual implementation reviews and a triennial review at the end of the project cycle is undertaken through implementation of the IPPC Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework.

This web page was last updated on 2022-02-09. For further information please contact [email protected].