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CPM FG on Plant Health in the Context of One Health


The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) and the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) have had ongoing discussions about the One Health concept over the last few years. These have largely been exploratory discussions aimed at elaborating the role that the IPPC community and plant health can play in One Health. The CPM-18 (2024) established a CPM Focus Group on Plant Health in the Context of One Health.


The main objective of the focus group is to conduct a preliminary study aiming at understanding and listing the One Health topics where either plant health could contribute to One Health or in the other way around where One Health could impact plant health. In the course of its analysis, the focus group will also draw up an action plan for communication and advocacy, including steps for ensuring and enhancing the IPPC community’s participation and voice in the FAO One Health Committee structure and activity.

This web page was last updated on 2025-01-28. For queries or comments regarding the content of this page, please contact Rokhila Madaminova ([email protected]).

Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
Terms of Reference for the CPM FG on Plant Health in the Context of One Health En 11 يونيو 2024
Nominee details and summary expertise En 11 يونيو 2024
CPM FG on Plant Health in the Context of One Health Membership List (provisional) En 28 يناير 2025

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