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Call for topics 2015

Posted on جمعة, 05 يونيو 2015, 08:09

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The 2015 call for topics starts on 5 June and ends on 14 August.

As outlined in the IPPC Standard Setting Procedure, a biennial call for topics for the IPPC standard setting work programme is being made . The last call occurred in 2013.

Topics being solicited include the following:

• new topics for International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)

• new components to existing ISPMs, such as supplements, annexes or appendices

• revisions or amendments to adopted ISPMs, supplements, annexes, appendices or glossary terms

• pests for which a new diagnostic protocol should be developed

• new topics for phytosanitary treatments. Note that specific treatment submission data will be called for at a later date.

Please note that the 10th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) invited contracting parties to propose priorities that may fill gaps identified by the draft Framework for standards and implementation (the standards portion; see Annex 1 of CPM-10 document CPM 2015/19, which can be accessed on the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) at https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/8022/).

After the call closes, the Secretariat will compile the list of proposed work programme topics from the submissions received. Submissions from previous calls will not be considered unless resubmitted in 2015. The Standards Committee (SC) will evaluate the list of submissions and will recommend the selected topics to the CPM for consideration.

IPPC members and Technical Panels (TPs) submit detailed proposals for new topics or for the revision of existing ISPMs to the IPPC Secretariat. Submissions should be accompanied with a draft specification, a literature review and justification that the proposed topic meets the CPM-approved criteria for topics (available in the IPPC Procedure Manual). To indicate a broader need for the proposed topic, submitters are encouraged to gain support from other IPPC members and/or regions.

Please access the Call for topics page clicking here to access the documents for submissions. In the Call for Topics page you will find the following documents to send in your submission:

  1. Call for Topics Letter (English, Español, Français)
  2. Submission form for IPPC standard setting work programme topics - 2015 (English, Spanish, French) (Note: Posted on 2015-06-05)
  3. Procedures for identifying topics and priorities for standards (English, Spanish, French)
  4. List of Topics for IPPC Standards

Electronic forms should be saved and submitted as: 2015_TOPIC_SUBMISSION_COUNTRY or ORGANIZATION NAME – Proposed title of topic.doc.

All documents must be submitted by the National IPPC Official Contact Point, preferably in electronic format to [email protected], no later than 14 August 2015 (subject of the message: "Call for Topics - 2015").

This web page was last updated on 2015-06-05 by Nuri Niyazi. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact him at [email protected]

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