Cerceris fumipennis - a biosurveillance tool for Emerald Ash Borer
Published: ثلاثاء, 03 مايو 2016, 17:10
Last updated: جمعة, 10 يوليو 2020, 14:37
The Emerald Ash Borer (
Agrilus planipennis) (EAB) is devastating eastern North America’s ash trees, girdling and killing the host. EAB has proven difficult to detect using traditional methods of ground/visual surveys and sticky traps, both of which are costly, labour- intensive and at times destructive or impractical. Biosurveillance, using another species to survey for a pest species, offers an alternative approach for the detection and survey of EAB populations. This guide describes the use of a native wasp,
Cerceris fumipennis (Say) as a biosurveillance tool to detect and monitor for EAB in Canada and the United States. The guide is available in English and French.
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A104-76-2009-eng - Cerceris fumipennis - A biosurveillance tool for EAB.pdf
A104-76-2009-fra - Cerceris fumipennis - Un outil pour la biosurveillance de l'agrile du frene.pdf